Informative Communications Newsletter in English for the week of September 23rd through September 29th

Informative Communications Newsletter in English for the week of September 23rd through September 29th 


Informative Thoughts: 

Preview: Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) 

The Killer whale (Orcinus orca) is a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family. It is the largest member of this family. The sophisticated hunting techniques and vocal behaviors of Killer whales have been described as manifestations of animal culture. They feature strongly in the mythologies of indigenous cultures, and their reputation in different cultures ranges from being the souls of humans to merciless killers. 


Killer whales have long, round bodies with big dorsal fins in the middle of their back. Their bodies are black with white patches underneath and near their eyes. These distinctive patterns help to camouflage them when they are searching for food. In newborns, the white parts of their bodies have an orange tinge. 


Killer whales are considered a cosmopolitan species and occur in all oceans, from the Antarctic and Arctic regions to tropical seas. They also inhabit many inland or partially-enclosed seas, such as the Gulf of California, the Gulf of Mexico, the Mediterranean, the Arabian Gulf, and the Red Sea. In the Antarctic, Killer whales range up to the edge of the pack ice and are believed to venture into the denser pack ice, finding open leads much like beluga whales in the Arctic. However, they are merely seasonal visitors to Arctic waters and do not approach the pack ice in the summer. They usually prefer water 20 to 60 meters deep, but also travel through shallow waters along the coast. Migration patterns of Killer whales are poorly understood. Each summer, the same individuals appear off the coasts of British Columbia and Washington. Despite decades of research, where these animals go for the rest of the year remains unknown. Transient pods have been sighted from southern Alaska to central California. Killer Whale - Facts, Diet, Habitat & Pictures on 


Understanding Marine Biology 

Explore the oceans in this free online course and learn how marine life is crucial to ecosystems and our survival. 

Water covers more than two thirds of the Earth's surface and marine organisms produce more than half of the oxygen we breathe while helping to regulate the planet's climate, which explains why we refer to the oceans as the ‘planet's heartbeat’. This marine biology course explains how oceans also provide us with food, jobs and entertainment. We go beneath the waves to show you how marine life interacts to create sustainable ecosystems. 



Inspirational Thoughts: 

Come, Follow Me Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi 8:1 

1: And now it came to pass that according to our record, and we know our record to be true, for behold, it was a just man who did keep the record—for he truly did many miracles in the name of Jesus; and there was not any man who could do a miracle in the name of Jesus save he were cleansed every whit from his iniquity 


Daily Joy Devotional, Old Testament, Job 14:14 

14: If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. 



Wellness Thoughts: 

Dumbbells and Abdominal Roller Series 

Deadlift with Dumbbells for 3 sets of 10reps, Romanian Deadlift with Dumbbells for 3 sets of 10 reps and American Deadlift with Dumbbells for 3 sets of 10 reps  

Abdominal Roller push Forward for 3 sets of 10 reps, Abdominal Roller push Left for 3 sets of 10 reps and Abdominal Roller push Right for 3 sets of 10 reps 

Repeat supersets of for 3 times  


MuscleTech Nitro-Tech Ripped Protein 

MuscleTech Nitro-Tech Ripped is a premium protein powder designed for athletes and fitness enthusiasts who want to build lean muscle and lose weight. Its unique blend of whey peptides, isolate, and concentrate delivers fast-acting protein to muscles, while a precise dose of C. canephora robusta helps support healthy weight loss. 

Nitro-Tech Ripped also contains L-carnitine L-tartrate, and MCTs to support weight loss and promote a lean, ripped physique. It also has green tea and rosehip extracts to provide antioxidant support. With a high protein-to-calorie ratio and unique ingredients, MuscleTech Nitro-Tech Ripped is perfect for achieving body composition goals. Nitro-Tech Ripped | Lean Whey Protein Powder • MuscleTech · MuscleTech 

 Don’t forget to use discount code #RoyaleCesseS03 and click on link: 


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